Palo Alto Chinese Parents’ Club (PACPC) aims to build a strong community among the Chinese residents of Palo Alto, by promoting good parenting, school involvement and community integration. We offer both social and educational events and welcome anyone who is interested in becoming part of our community.
Starting on February 1, 2014, PACPC has been operating under the non-profit organization WizChinese.
School Involvement
School representative WeChat Group
The excellence and quality of our schools require parents and community volunteers. In order to promote school engagement and quickly disseminate important school related information to the Chinese American school families in Palo Alto, PACPC established a School Representatives WeChat Group, which includes parent representatives from all 17 schools. School related events and community events targeting school age children and families are shared in this PACPC School Representatives WeChat group, and the School Representatives disseminate appropriate information to their respective school WeChat groups.
To contact PACPC, send an email to: [email protected]
The parent representative acts as a group leader in their respective school WeChat Groups. Please contact the parent volunteers below if you want to join your school WeChat group. Volunteers’ WeChat IDs are listed below:
Elementary School:
* Addison – faye4996311 (Faye), liujin6 (Jing)
* Barron Park – lingtongyueyue (灵通),
* Duveneck – Happilyflyingaround (Wei)
* El Carmelo – wxid_olduwjxc3as111 (蓓)
* Escondido – linghufengxia (Sarah)
* Fairmeadow – michaelandwechat (Mike),EstelleDou (Estelle)
* Hoover – wxid_k37t1nqpul5g21 (Dougheg)
* Juana Briones – haimenxiaozhu (SJ), shiyao (shiyao)
* Nixon – chen05302013 (陈漪)
* Ohlone – siwei94303 (Wei)
* Palo Verde – wxid_3azf3qd1e6yk22 (Sheena Chin)
* Walter Hays – janetzhangbing (Janet)
Middle School:
* Fletcher – Sunny茹芳(Sunny)
* Greene – junwangCA (June Wang), julietang1977 (唐中珏)
* JLS – jellybean414 (Shirley)
High School:
* Gunn – jellybean414 (Shirley)
* Palo Alto High School – Nanbei-12345 (Jessie Jia)
Measure Z, meeting Dr. Austin

Time: Oct 6, 2018, 5:00-7:30pm
地点: 818 Melville Ave, Palo Alto
活动: 和新学监 Mr Austin面对面: Measure Z见面会
时间 : 2018年10月6号 5:00-7:30pm
地点: 818 Melville Ave, Palo Alto

Palo Alto School Board Candidates Meet Up

Date: Oct 5, 2018 7:00-9:00 pm
Location: Channing House Auditorium
All six School Board Candidates presented their view on varies questions that concerning topics related to academic, student wellness, diversity etc.
活动: Palo Alto 学区董事会候选人见面会
时间: 2018年10月 5日, 晚7点-9点
地点:Channing House Auditorium
六位候选人当场回答了大家关心的问题, 涉及到学校的管理,学术,学生身心健康,以及多样性和包容性方面的问题。

New Family Welcome Event

Time: Aug 19, 2018 2:00-5:00pm
Location: El Palo Alto Room, Mitchell Park Community Center
地点:El Palo Alto Room, Mitchell Park Community Center

Palo Alto Emergency Awareness & Crime Prevention Seminar

Guest Speaker: Dr. Andy Huang
Time: Oct 13, 2018, 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: The Ball Room at Lucie Stern Community Center
1305 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.
活动: 紧急救援及防范专题讲座
特约嘉宾:Dr. Andy Huang
时间: 2018年10月13号10点-12点。
地点:The Ball Room at Lucie Stern Community Center
1305 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.